Dano brought up a good point in the thread regarding the Dearborn event this weekend. We often forget, in the excitement of the moment, to ask those attending with their Tbirds, if they have registered theirs with www.tbirdregistry.com If they haven't we should ask them if they mind providing their VIN # and Data Plate information to us so we can register their Tbird as still being alive and kicking. You might have to explain the purpose of the Tbird Registry to them. There are over 30,000 Tbirds in the registry now!
The other thing we should do is advertise our Forum while we are out and about. I would not necessarily think it is a good idea to paper every Tbird at a S&S that you see!
But it might be a good idea to hand them one of our Squarebirds flyers!
A couple of years ago, I put one together. It is not much and probably the wrong color, but it can be used or you can make your own from it. Unfortunately, I stuck it down in the Paid Members Forum where probably not to many have ever seen it! You can print out all you need, stamp or write you name and information on them and hand them out to people as you meet them. Here is what it looks like. Modify it if you want to. It was just something that I threw together quickly and never got back to.
The other thing we should do is advertise our Forum while we are out and about. I would not necessarily think it is a good idea to paper every Tbird at a S&S that you see!
