If you were up late last night, you may have noticed Squarebirds.org was down. During that time, we changed to a new Unix-based server.
Our software is still the same, so everything should look, act, and work the same as it did in the past.
Please be on the lookout for anything that doesn't work right. The last time we changed servers (years back), many of our pictures were dropped in the Technical section. Now that we are changed over, I can update more 'troubled' areas.
If you find a problem, please post it here. Thanks in advance. - Dave
Our software is still the same, so everything should look, act, and work the same as it did in the past.
Please be on the lookout for anything that doesn't work right. The last time we changed servers (years back), many of our pictures were dropped in the Technical section. Now that we are changed over, I can update more 'troubled' areas.
If you find a problem, please post it here. Thanks in advance. - Dave