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Caravans or House Trailers

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  • Dan Leavens
    Ray there sure look practical and would certainly save on the hotel / motel $$$ over a weekend S & S

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  • YellowRose
    started a topic Caravans or House Trailers

    Caravans or House Trailers

    Camping trailers or Caravans, as they are more commonly known in other parts of the world, are a common item found at S&S events in Europe and those other parts of the world. I have not been to many S&S events yet, but from what I understand, they are not so common in the U.S. There were some small conversations up in the Golde Top Forum about them and I went looking for more information for Rockin' Kev about them. He has one he is working on. Here are some pix of a few of them, and they are cute, and the KMP versions are lightweight, and easy to pull. The 3rd pic was made by the Dutch in 1963, and the last pic in the Netherlands. These KMP caravans seem to be in good demand because of their light weight and durability.
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    Last edited by YellowRose; June 19, 2010, 04:13 PM.