Lex ~ lexdownunder, sent me this information and a couple of pix of this event. This is something that perhaps many in this country might want to start as a way of introducing youngsters to classic cars and Tbirds. Who knows the interest this could spark in young people in classic cars and Tbirds in particular. I gather that "School Leavers" would equate to our High School graduation. Here is what Lex said and a couple of pix.
"Just a couple of pics that I took this week of the TBird taking two couples to the School Leavers Dinner in Tassie. (On two separate nights) The dinner is a real big deal for the young school leavers & the idea is to be taken to the dinner in a classic car or hot rod. There were literally dozens of cars involved & all meet up on the river foreshore for photos etc. then all leave in a convoy to the school dinner. The convoy was awesome!!! Each car is photographed on arrival & the couples walk the red carpet to the dinner. I don't have the arrival photos yet....just a couple that I took myself."
Note that is Lex's beautiful Black Raven '59 Tbird in the pictures, the 2015 Squarebirds Calendar selection for the month of September!
"Just a couple of pics that I took this week of the TBird taking two couples to the School Leavers Dinner in Tassie. (On two separate nights) The dinner is a real big deal for the young school leavers & the idea is to be taken to the dinner in a classic car or hot rod. There were literally dozens of cars involved & all meet up on the river foreshore for photos etc. then all leave in a convoy to the school dinner. The convoy was awesome!!! Each car is photographed on arrival & the couples walk the red carpet to the dinner. I don't have the arrival photos yet....just a couple that I took myself."
Note that is Lex's beautiful Black Raven '59 Tbird in the pictures, the 2015 Squarebirds Calendar selection for the month of September!