Issue with my 2002 T bird. Mechanic says there is a vapor leak from the evap valve, crack on the valve on the top of the fuel tank and can not be epoxied. Valve is molded on to the tank and can't replace just the valve. This causes the check engine light to be on. Smoke test confirms the leak. Apparently no new replacement tank is available, used ones are on ebay but expensive. $300 + $250 shipping. Any suggestions on a repair or a other source for a replacement? Thanks as always.
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need help on wife's 02 retro bird
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I'm not sure why the crack can't be repaired. I've seen other posts about this on other sites and some have mentioned that epoxy was used to repair it. Do you have a picture of the part so we can see where the crack is and why the mechanic is saying it can't be fixed. If you were to find a new old stock tank it would probably be a lot more expensive than $300. I would check local salvage yards. It looks like a 2001-2002 Lincoln LS has the same tank.
JohnJohn Pizzi - Squarebirds Administrator
Thunderbird Registry #36223 856-779-9695 -
The mechanic took a picture showing a 4 inch or so seam exactly in the middle of the top of the tank running below a hosefrom right to left. In addition to the smoke test, he sprayed the area with soapy water creating bubbles at the seam. He said epoxy or JB Weld would expand as it dried in the crack making it worse. I have used JB Weld to seal cracks in radiator seams and resevoir tank and it always worked well. As thick as that stuff is, I don't think it would seep into the hairline crack as much as it would sit on top of the seam. The stuff does self level over the surface. I believe this mechanic is more into replacing than repairing.Comment
The way I look at it you have nothing to lose by trying it. Better than spending a few hundred dollars for a used tank that could fail as soon as you install it.
JohnJohn Pizzi - Squarebirds Administrator
Thunderbird Registry #36223 856-779-9695